Before the ceremony of ‘cutting the first sod’ could take place, those proposing
a new canal scheme often found
themselves involved in a lengthy and expensive legal wrangle.
This stemmed from the need to obtain a ‘private’ Act of
Parliament, which was necessary to authorise the canal’s construction
(and all which that entails) together with aspects of its operation,
such as the toll to be charged on the passage along the waterway
of various types of goods (the total cost of conveying goods
comprised the toll ― the charge for using the waterway,
generally governed by its Act ― to which had then to be added the
canal carrier’s charge).

Start of the statutory notice
appearing in the London Gazette, giving notice of an
application to Parliament for a private Act to build and operate
the Grand Junction Canal.
A draft Act of Parliament is known as a Bill, and it was not
unusual for a canal (and later railway) Bill to meet with
strong opposition in part or in parcel when presented to
Unlike ‘public’ Bills, which apply to everyone within their
jurisdiction, a ‘private Bill’ [1] is a
proposal for a law that applies only to a particular individual,
group of individuals, or a corporate body, such as a local
authority or public company. If the Bill is approved by Parliament it then becomes a private Act (of
Parliament). The privileges granted by a private Act might
include relief from another law, or a unique benefit, or powers not
available under the general law, or relief from the legal
responsibility for some otherwise wrongful act.
Where a canal was to built, a private Act was necessary if the capital to construct
it was to be raised by creating a joint stock company ― if
effect, by public subscription ― or its course lay across public land and that of individuals not
associated with the scheme (unless they had given their consent,
a area of law known as ‘wayleave’, often applied to early
colliery railways). There were two reasons for this. First, under the cumbersome law
of the day, joint-stock companies could only be set up by royal charter or a private Act of Parliament. [2]
Furthermore, an Act of Parliament was necessary to authorise a
scheme to proceed in accordance with specific provisions not
otherwise available under the law ― for example, a provision generally to be found in a private
canal (or railway) Act gave the proprietors the legal power to
acquire specified private land by compulsory purchase, in
effect, to acquire it without the owner’s consent, but with due
monetary compensation. Other provisions and stipulations
might include the right to cross public highways, divert rivers
and streams, fence off towing paths, demand payment for the use
of the waterway (sometimes subject to exemptions, such as the
movement of troops) and hold General Assemblies (shareholders’
meetings), to name just a few. The Act would also stipulate
the arbitration procedures to be applied in cases were land
values were disputed.
Most of the work in examining a private Bill is undertaken by a
parliamentary committee convened for the purpose and in which procedures follow a semi-judicial pattern.
The promoter of the Bill must prove to the committee the need for the powers
sought, and the objections of any opposing interests are heard.
Applications for private Acts were often fiercely
contested, not only by Luddites but by landowners affected by,
for example, compulsory purchase, and by businesses whose trade
stood to be damaged by the new forms of transport. During the
construction of our canals, the established river navigations ―
almost as a matter of course ―
fiercely protected their monopolies for transporting goods. The Mersey & Irwell
Navigation strongly opposed the application for a private Act to
construct the Bridgewater Canal, which they saw as infringing
their virtual monopoly of transportation between Manchester and Liverpool. Another of James Brindley’s canals, the Trent & Mersey, faced similar opposition
from the River Weaver Navigation, for near Anderton the planned
canal was to run parallel to the river for some distance. [3]
But occasionally landowners across whose estates a canal was to
pass actually supported the scheme . . . .
“Cassiobury Park is where we first fall in with the Grand
Junction Canal. Ready permission was granted by the present Earl
of Clarendon, and the Late Earl of Essex, to allow this great
national undertaking to pass through their respective parks; and
when we find the opposition that the late Duke of Bridgewater
was continually receiving, from parties, through whose premises
he was unavoidably often obliged to pass his navigable canals,
it must stand as a monumental record, and example of the
urbanity and amor patriæ, these distinguished noblemen exhibited
for the weal of their country.”
A Tour of the Grand Junction Canal,
John Hassell (1819)
Later, the canal companies, whose businesses then stood to be
damaged by the railways, provided formidable opposition to this
new form of transport and, as time was to show, with good
cause. From about 1840, railways began to present a threat to
canals, for they could carry more freight than the canals and
far more quickly. Take, for example, the Kennet & Avon Canal
(linking the Thames with Bristol), which suffered from the Great
Western Railway (GWR) duplicating its route and undercutting its
tariffs. In 1852, the canal company sold out to the GWR after
which the canal fell gradually into a state of dereliction. Another example was the
Wey & Arun Junction Canal, the only canal to connect the Thames
with the English Channel. At its peak, in 1839, it carried
23,000 tons of freight. In 1865, the railway between Guildford
and Horsham opened in direct competition, but despite the
canal’s carrying charges being cheaper, it could not compete
with the railway for speed and convenience. By 1868, traffic had
virtually ceased and in 1871 the canal was abandoned.
And so proposals for a private Act usually faced strong
opposition from several directions during the committee
hearings. Sometimes a scheme’s opponents succeeded in
their challenges, leaving the promoters with weighty lawyers’ bills and nothing to show in return. Sometimes the promoters revised their strategy to win their cause
at a subsequent attempt, some notable examples during the
railway-building era being the Liverpool and Manchester, the
Grand Junction, and the London and Birmingham railways, all of
whose Bills were initially thrown out.
As the 18th century entered the period of canal mania, and faced
with a flood of canal Bills, Parliament was forced to introduce
a set of standing orders to reduce the chaos that was building
up [4] and to give the public more information
and a greater say in their construction. The new rules,
which appeared in 1793 (Appendix),
laid down that all canal proposals should first be advertised in
the official newspaper of record (the
Gazette) and in local newspapers along the line;
plans and sections drawn to scale were to be be deposited with
the Clerk of Parliament, Clerks of the Peace and Sheriffs along
the line; estimates of cost were to be made; a list of
subscribers was to be drawn up and also a list of affected
landowners, indicating those in favour and those not. If
anything, this increased the weight of protest by the NIMBYs,
which continues to the present day and has been demonstrated
recently in planning the route for the proposed HS2 high speed
rail link between London and Birmingham.
A new canal scheme was initially put in motion by advertisements
in the press, which to give it credibility were usually endorsed
by a number of prominent people. Advertisements would
usually be accompanied by arguments in favour of the scheme,
such as those that appeared in the local Courier during
the initial stages of the Macclesfield Canal project:
Goods could be conveyed by water for one quarter of the cost of
road carriage.
Some forty steam engines and 5,000 houses in Macclesfield were
currently supplied with coal at a cost exceeding by one third
that which it would cost if canal transport could be used.
Great hardship to both the rich and the poor had been caused by
the lack of a canal.
Material required for the manufacturing industries, imported
through the ports of London and Liverpool, would be cheaper with
canal transportation.
Grain, and the other staples of life, would be reduced in price,
as would timber, slate, flagg, and stone.
Macclesfield was at the centre of a flourishing manufacturing
district. There were other competitors so why should the
district be handicapped by the lack of a canal? This south
east part of Cheshire was also rich in freestone, lime, and
The Duke of Bridgewater built his canal ‘through some of the
finest estates in the country’ to foster the trade of Manchester
by connecting it with the port of Liverpool. Manchester,
at that time, was scarcely larger than Macclesfield was at this
The Manchester Ship
Canal, Punch magazine, 1882.
The humorist’s view of the prospect of Manchester
becoming a seaport. |
the proposed scheme attracted a favourable reception, a steering
committee ― the provisional directors, secretary, treasurer and
solicitor ― would be elected and money then sought to meet the
initial costs surveying and of obtaining the Act. As an
inducement to part with their cash, those who contributed would
generally be given the first option of purchasing shares in the
company should the Act be obtained. [5]
The main part of a canal Act defined the route (the ‘Parliamentary
line’) that the scheme was to follow. Thus, having raised
sufficient finance and formed a committee, the next step was to
employ a civil engineer to select the best route. Until a
private Act was obtained, the civil engineer and his surveying team
had no right to trespass on private property, and permission to do
so had to be sought from the landowner. This was not always
forthcoming, and stories abound during the railway era of surveyors
carrying out their work surreptitiously at night using lamps as
markers, and of being accompanied by bodyguards ― including prize
fighters and gangs of navvies ― to protect them against violent
However, there was little point in presenting a Bill to Parliament
if it was to face a substantial body of opposition ― especially
influential opposition ― for it would very likely result in an
expensive failure. So the next task to confront the promoters
was to mollify at least their scheme’s principal opposers with
whatever inducement was necessary to placate them, which was usually
cash. As a group, the owners of watermills were particularly
vociferous in their opposition to canal Bills, for they saw the
canal company diverting the rivers and streams on which their
livelihood depended in order to supply the canal with sufficient
water; the solution here might be for the canal company to buy them
out. [6]
But where opponents would not budge, despite a sizable carrot being
dangled before them, and especially if they were powerful in terms
of their parliamentary influence, the politically expedient course
might be to re-draw part of the route. This might result in a
longer route and/or taking on otherwise unnecessary civil
engineering work in order to bypass the obstruction, such as
building a lengthy tunnel, cutting or embankment. Such was the
case with the London & Birmingham Railway, the first Bill for which
was defeated in the House of Lords . . .
“. . . . in consequence of the opposition of a noble Earl,
half-brother to the vicar, [7] through
whose park Robert Stephenson . . . . had proposed to lead the
railway. A second Bill had been brought forward by which, at
the expense of heavy works, the park and ornamental grounds of the
Earl had been avoided, the line crossing the valley of the Colne by
an embankment of what was, in those days, of unprecedented
magnitude, and thus boring beneath the woods, at a distance from the
mansion, by an equally unprecedented tunnel of nearly a mile in
Personal Recollections of English Engineers,
F. R. Conder (1868)
Thus aristocratic opposition resulted in the high embankment to the
south of Watford Junction Station and the long tunnel about a mile
to its north, neither of which lay on Stephenson’s preferred route
for the railway.
Having selected a route, the prospectus for the proposed scheme ―
often over-optimistic in terms of its estimated capital cost,
timescale, revenue and expenditure [8] ― would
then be published in the principal daily and local newspapers:
“The document then expatiates on the inconveniences which are at
present experienced from the inadequacy of the means of
communication; and the assurance is insinuated to all in whose
neighbourhood the line will pass, that it will be a boon to trade .
. . it is then duly set forth that the value of the land is either
‘moderate,’ or a comparatively ‘trifling’ item; that the whole line
with all necessary appendages, may be completed at an expense of so
many hundreds of thousands sterling; that the annual return on the
traffic arising from the conveyance of passengers and goods will
yield, at very moderate rates of tonnage, an income to be divided
amongst the subscribers ‘of at least ten per cent. per annum on
their capital,’ after paying for all charges for making the line and
keeping it in repair.”
Our Iron Roads,
Frederick S. Williams (1852)
The Prospectus informed potential investors how shares in the new
company were to be applied for ― and overwhelmed by a golden
opportunity to earn 10% net on their money, investors reached for
their cheque books. Assuming sufficient capital was pledged,
standing order documents (estimates, schedules, maps, levels, etc.)
could then be submitted, witnesses in support of the scheme lined
up, our learnèd friends consulted and briefed, and application made
to Parliament for a private Act.
When finally in committee, the promoters often found themselves
faced with lengthy and expensive sessions. The members of a
parliamentary committee set up to examine a canal Bill needed to
satisfy themselves that the project was feasible in both engineering
and financial terms, and that it was needed in the area it was to
serve. Also, that it did not unnecessarily interfere with private
interests or public rights and that any harm to these was outweighed
by the scheme’s likely benefits. In examining the proposal before them,
committee members asked searching questions.
When, in 1762, the parliamentary committee set up to examine the
application to extend the Bridgewater Canal to the Mersey questioned
James Brindley, they were entertained to some practical
demonstrations. When asked to produce a drawing of an intended
aqueduct, Brindley replied that there was no plan on paper, but he
would illustrate it using a model. He returned to the committee room
with a large cheese, which he cut into two equal parts, saying,
“Here is my model.” The two halves of the cheese represented the
semicircular arches of his bridge, and by laying over them some long
rectangular object, he showed the committee the position of the
river flowing underneath and the canal passing over it. On another
occasion, having spoken so frequently about ‘puddling’ and
describing its uses and advantages, some members asked what this
mixture was that could be applied to such important purposes. Preferring a practical demonstration to a verbal description,
Brindley had some clay brought into the committee-room and, moulding
it in its raw untempered state into the form of a trough, he poured
into it some water, which soon leaked away. He then worked the clay
up with water, to imitate the process of puddling, and again formed
it into a trough, which held water. Brindley was also in the habit
of drawing diagrams in chalk on the committee room floor.
Our learnèd friends found rich pickings. |
As time progressed, Brindley’s chalk and cheese approach gave
way to legal teams representing the opposing factions, who became
highly skilled in fighting their respective corners; and, as always
in such situations, the lawyers found rich pickings. Many witnesses,
whose expenses also had to be paid, were called to support or oppose
a scheme and they were cross-examined by counsel representing the
parties involved, sometimes helped along by allegedly ‘expert’
witnesses, such as Doctor Dionysius Lardner.
Despite his other talents, Lardner is remembered in history for his
disagreements in committee with the great civil engineer and railway
builder, Isambard Kingdom Brunnel (1806-59). Perhaps the most famous
of these relates to the construction of the Box Tunnel on the London
to Bristol railway. The tunnel had a 1-in-100 gradient. Lardner
asserted that if a train’s brakes failed in the tunnel, it would
accelerate to over 120 m.p.h., at which speed the passengers would
suffocate. Brunel pointed out to the committee the basic error in
Lardner’s calculation, his total disregard of air-resistance and
But the outcome of such exchanges was that many project promoters
failed to convince the committee, and their Bill was defeated. Some
Bills that failed at their first attempt subsequently reappeared,
that for the Liverpool and Manchester Railway being one such case. At the first hearing of this Bill in 1824, the line’s Engineer,
George Stephenson, failed to provide the committee with adequate
explanations about the scheme’s engineering aspects:
“Thus ended this memorable contest, which had extended over two
months ― carried on throughout with great pertinacity and skill,
especially on the part of the opposition, who left no stone unturned
to defeat the measure. The want of a new line of communication
between Liverpool and Manchester had been clearly proved; but the
engineering evidence in support of the proposed railway having been
thrown almost entirely upon George Stephenson, who fought this, the
most important part of the battle, single-handed, was not brought
out so clearly as it would have been had he secured more efficient
engineering assistance, which he was not able to do, as all the
engineers of eminence of that day were against the locomotive
railway. The obstacles thrown in the way of the survey by the
land-owners and canal companies, by which the plans were rendered
exceedingly imperfect, also tended in a great measure to defeat the
The Life of George Stephenson,
Samuel Smiles (1857)
Another notable defeat took place ten year later, when the Bill to
incorporate the Great Western Railway Company and its proposed line
from London to Bristol came before a parliamentary committee for
scrutiny and approval. The scheme’s promoters set to, to do battle
with the vested interests who opposed it, including landowners who
either objected to railways for the simple reason that they were new
or because, it was alleged, they would terrify their livestock. Others hoped to bid up the price of the land the railway would need
to acquire. But the most vociferous opposition came from rival
transport interests, these being coach companies, the Kennet & Avon
Canal Company, and rival groups of railway promoters. The contest
lasted for 57 days and ended in the Bill’s defeat.
When the Bill was resubmitted in the following year, Brunel, the
line’s chief engineer, presented the company’s case. His
cross-examination lasted for 11 days. Brunel was a master at all
aspects of his craft, including handling a parliamentary committee. In paying tribute, an eye-witness observing his performance during
hearings in the House of Lords, had this to say:
“He was rapid in thought, clear in language and never said too
much or lost his presence of mind. I do not remember ever having
enjoyed so great an intellectual treat as that of listening to
Brunel’s examination.”
This second enquiry lasted for 40 days and ended in victory for the
Great Western railway, but at a cost of £90,000 in legal fees and
parliamentary expenses.

The ceremony of ‘cutting the
first sod’ ― this illustration is from the railway era.
Bill that successfully negotiates the parliamentary hurdle receives
the Royal Assent from the monarch (last given in person by the
Sovereign in 1854), after which it passes into law as an Act of
Parliament. By it, its promoters were authorised to incorporate a company to build the proposed canal, and were provided with the necessary powers for that
purpose. The ceremony of ‘turning the first sod’ could then be
performed. |